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Quick Boot Clean Up

Some think that the more attention spent on cleaning one's boots, the better the care. Not true! Over-cleaning actually strips the finish and colour from fine boots -- particularly those made with European calf.

The best method for cleaning on an every-day basis is simply a HOSING OFF. One of the worst thing to do for boots is a WIPE OFF -- that actually grinds into the leather whatever the dirt is -- a sand arena, for example -- and will scratch.

Hose them off with water and take a wipe on those extra salty or dirty parts.

At the end of the day, a good old-fashioned buff with a rag - like a shoe-shine you might get in the streets of Chicago, is the best last step with a leather milk or water-based creme. It actually brings the shine back. Don't overdo it on the polish.

And the best and easiest way to handle the boots -- with them on your legs for stability.

The Equestrian's Concierge offers this service - a great way to make them show-ring-ready.

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